Based in Cardiff and working in the surrounding area, we can offer our services across South Wales.
We start from the ground up! We will prepare, dig and fill the right foundation for your ground and driveway to ensure the strongest and most durable finish.
Choose from our selection of patterns to give yourself the unique, durable and quality driveway that the front of your house deserves!
Why contain our leading imprints to your driveway? Complete your garden makeover with a perfect, durable and fantastic looking imprinted and coloured patio.
We will come to your home to asses what you would like, review the existing foundations and show you our selection of patterns and colours.
Before we get started laying any concrete, we need to ensure a solid foundation is dug and built to support the weight of your driveway and vehicles. We will come in to dig, remove waste, fill with aggregate and compress the foundation before any concrete is layed.
Our specialised Concrete will arrive on site to be poured and smoothed over awaiting your desired pattern.
After letting the concrete settle, we can begin to add colour and imprinting!
Our experts will start the job of imprinting the settled and smoothed concrete with your pattern, locking in our unique colour system.
After our concrete has been left to dry and cure over 2 - 3 days, we can return to add the final sealer to complete the job.